Winner’s Circle Charities Invitational Rules
1. Florida fishermen must clear Bahamian Customs prior to fishing and are responsible for all fees associated with fishing in the Bahamas.
2. Fishing starts at 8:00am on Thursday and Friday (Lines in water no earlier)
Saturday anglers may begin at 7:00 AM.
3. Weigh-in at the Old Bahamas Bay Marina scale
Thursday 6:00PM
Friday 6:00 PM
Saturday 5:00 PM
Anglers must be in line by closing time or they will not be scored.
4. Prizes are as follows:
- Daily prize for largest catch of Wahoo, Dolphin and Tuna.
Only three fish weighed per boat per day, one of each…
Tuna, Dolphin and Wahoo Minimum weight 10 pounds.
Please take care to honor this minimum weight requirement. - Grand prize champion is the boat that weighs-in the greatest total weight of the three species one Tuna, one Dolphin, and one Wahoo.
- All three species must be caught and weighed to qualify for Grand Champion.
- The total weight of the fish weighed will determine the winner.
- If no one qualifies with all three species, the winner will be determined by the combined weight of any two species (total weight of two fish).
- If no one qualifies with two species, then the largest (heaviest) fish of any of the three eligible categories will be judged the winner and Grand Champion.
5. There is no limit on rod and reel tackle.
No chumming No live bait No wire line Dead bait or artificial lures only
6. No mutilated fish are eligible for weigh in or prize.
7. IGFA Rules apply.
8. All decisions regarding this fishing tournament are the sole discretion of the tournament committee.
9. All Boats and Anglers shall fish each day based on their own desire and ability and hereby acknowledge that Winner’s Circle Charities, the tournament committee or any charity partners are not responsible for any decisions made to fish in the event of questionable sea conditions.
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Winner’s Circle Gala Postponed: A Letter From Mike Schmidt
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 19th, 2020 Friends, While we might be experiencing uncertainty about how this worldwide situation will play out - we are certain that our mission to raise funds for RDK Melanoma Foundation, Big Dog Ranch Rescue, Marine Industry Education...
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Winner’s Circle Charities is entering its 21st year and was founded by local resident and Hall of Fame Baseball Player Mike Schmidt.
To date we have raised over $2.5 million and are extremely proud of what we have accomplished.